Friday 4 May 2012

1337: Under Fire

The Abc warriors are back and they are drawn by Carlos ezquerra!


Yep huzzah unlike their trouble filled last outing this is really good and a return to the fun isanity of the early days. The (new) president of mars tires of the warriors and decides to form his own group of shadow warriors. Their mission is to destroy the abcs.

Elsewhere the trial of Orlok concludes with the assassin trying to escape his captors but fails and is killed by lethal injection. At the time this came out I was hoping for some kind of swerve. This felt like a lame way to kill off one of the most dangerous threats megacity one ever faced.

But no swerve ever came even as the sovs tried yet again for vengeance in the current day of chaos epic Orlok has not returned…

Thus ended one of the most dangerous of Dredds villains not even the pussification of the character in Alan grants hands could stop him from being a vile villain

Next Diggles last story…

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